The introduction of Smart Parking at the Park means the car share permits you currently use will need to handed back to the Estate Office where a new permit, incorporating Smart Parking, will be printed for you. As before security will monitor the use of the dedicated ‘car share only’ bays.
On Thursday 5 March representatives from Liftshare will be available throughout the day in The Apiary if you wish to pop by to return your permit and learn more. Smart Parking will officially launch on Monday 9 March.
Ahead of the launch you will just need to download the free Liftshare app and use the app to authenticate any journeys you make. This new authentication process will give us an accurate representation of when the dedicated car share bays are in use, ultimately allowing us to make sure there are always enough bays to go around. It will also mean we are able to include you in any incentives that may be made available for liftsharers.
So, what do you need to do to get Smart Parking ready…
* Return your old car share permit
* Download and print a new Smart Parking permit from your Liftshare member page – available from 5 March
* Download the free ‘Liftshare Companion’ App on your phone (if you don’t already have it!)
* Click on the ‘Authenticate’ option before starting your shared journey
* Select whether you are ‘driver’ or ‘passenger’ for that journey
* Driver will see a QR code, passenger will open a camera screen
* Scan the QR code and both phones will show that successful authentication has happened
To celebrate the arrival of Smart Parking, we will be awarding a £50 Amazon voucher to the employee who authenticates the most journeys by 31 March.
Don’t miss out – if you’re not currently sharing your journeys to work through the Granta Park Liftshare scheme, it’s not too late! The scheme gives you the opportunity to save up to £1000 per year on your commute as well as access to 70 dedicated car share bays on the Park.
To join, sign up at here, post your journey and find someone travelling your way to share with…it’s that easy!
Liftshare also will be hosting a stand in The Apiary on 28 April between 10:00 and 15:30 to help you with any queries or questions you may have about the scheme or the new Smart Parking system so please pop along and see them then.