01223 893 710

Car share

Free to join, the Granta Park® car share scheme is a great way to set up a lift share with other staff members commuting to Granta Park. Granta Park has its own dedicated car share website which offers members a quick, easy and secure way to make contact with each other.


Benefits of car sharing include saving money, reducing local congestion and getting to know your colleagues. Remember you don’t need to own a car to car share, you can just search for a lift too.

We are slowly introducing ‘car share only’ parking bays across the Park; to use these you will need a permit.

Please see here for a step-by-step guide on how to register for the scheme or request a parking permit. The ‘car share only’ bays are currently available within the Parking Groves and Riverside Buildings car park.

In March 2020 we launched Smart Parking at Granta Park, this allows those who car share to authenticate their journeys via a simple app on their phones. This new authentication process now gives us an accurate representation of when the dedicated car share bays are in use, ultimately allowing us to make sure there are always enough bays to go around.